Minnesota Fresh Farm offers a unique and convenient way for you to receive a discount on a variety of farm fresh produce on a weekly basis.
Many people are familiar with the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) model where members pay in advance for a share of a farm's crop. The farmer uses the money collected in the spring to buy seeds and other inputs, then delivers a box of food to every member on a weekly basis. What's in the box depends on what the farmer is harvesting that week. It's a good model that is helpful to farmers and is convenient for consumers.
Minnesota Fresh Farm invites you to look at our "Pick of the Week" discount club. It's similar to a CSA, but without some of the restrictions.
Membership in our Pick of the Week discount club is limited. To be added to the wait list for 2026, please click here.
Many people are familiar with the CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) model where members pay in advance for a share of a farm's crop. The farmer uses the money collected in the spring to buy seeds and other inputs, then delivers a box of food to every member on a weekly basis. What's in the box depends on what the farmer is harvesting that week. It's a good model that is helpful to farmers and is convenient for consumers.
Minnesota Fresh Farm invites you to look at our "Pick of the Week" discount club. It's similar to a CSA, but without some of the restrictions.
- You only pay for your food when you pick it up. The cost of the weekly pick is $20.00 for $25.00 of a full selection of produce and sometimes eggs, meat, mushrooms or cheese. You do not have to take the collection of items every week. So, if you are on vacation, or just filled up with produce from your own garden, there is no financial commitment for the week.
- Depending upon availability, in some weeks, a half portion ($10.00 for $12.50 of produce) or three-quarters portion ($15.00 for $19.00 of produce) is offered.
- We collect $10.00 at the beginning of the first year of your membership. Benefits of a new membership include access to the discount, weekly emails during the growing season that include recipes for food items in that week's selection, and a free washable canvas tote for carrying your purchases.
- You receive an email every Friday saying what's in the box. You reply by Monday evening if you would like to reserve the selection for the week.
- You can order the pre-packed option which ensures that everything in the collection that week will be available, even if you come late in the day. Or, you may completely select items of your choice when you come to the farm.
- Eggs, meat products, honey, and other items not grown on our farm, are generally not included in the Pick of the Week discount pricing, but from time to time the farmers may offer their products in the weekly selection.
- It's that easy! We offer a lot of flexibility that is not inherent in a CSA. There is no upfront payment each year after the initial membership fee of $10.00. Order the selection of items in a week or not, and if you'd like complete flexibility in what you purchase, it's no problem at all.
Membership in our Pick of the Week discount club is limited. To be added to the wait list for 2026, please click here.