Please note: the order forms and the pricing on these pages is from 2024. We have not updated them with 2025 availability and pricing yet. You may browse these pages, but if you submit an order now, prices are subject to change. (3/6/2025)
Download our catalogs and order forms on the links below.
To place an order, complete the order form and return it to
Please pay for your plants and seeds when you pick them up at the farm.
You are welcome to simply stop by the farm and shop for plants and seeds, also.
Click to download plant catalog.
Click to download plant order form.
Click to download seed catalog.
Click to download seed order form.
Just click on the pictures to see details of each kit, types of plants, and seeds. Please note that we are unable to ship plants.
Garden Kits
My Little GardenA nice variety of plants and seeds to make up a 10' X 10' garden. Perfect for a community garden or raised beds. $20 for ten plants, seven seed packets and a 10' X 10' square foot gardening guide.
My First Garden
Plants and seeds that are fun for children to grow. Teach youngsters early about growing their own food. $10 for five plants and five seed packets.
My Healthy Garden
A selection of especially healthy fruits and vegetables. A focus on antioxidants and vitamins.
$14 for five plants and five seed packets. |