Flower Plants
Download our catalog and order form from the Plants & Seeds home page.
To place an order, complete the order form and return it to orders@minnesotafreshfarm.com.
Please pay for your plants and seeds when you pick them up at the farm.
You are welcome to simply stop by the farm and shop for plants, also.
To place an order, complete the order form and return it to orders@minnesotafreshfarm.com.
Please pay for your plants and seeds when you pick them up at the farm.
You are welcome to simply stop by the farm and shop for plants, also.
Return to the Plants & Seeds home page to download our catalogs and order forms.
Incredible Edibles
Calendula Bon Bon Mix - 6 pack $5.00
Chrysanthemum - Shasta Daisy* - 6 pack $5.00 Nasturtium Dwarf Jewel Mix* Single Plant $1.50 Sunflower Giant Mammoth - Single Plant $1.50 Sunflower Skyscraper - Single Plant $1.50 Creative home cooks garnish their entrees with flower blossoms for a touch of elegance. The secret to success when using edible flowers is to keep the dish simple, do not add too many other flavors that will over power the delicate taste of the flower.
Not every flower is edible. In fact, sampling some flowers can make you very, very sick. We list, here, some of the more common flowers that you can eat. Or, in the case of sunflowers, the seeds can be eaten. Do not use pesticides or other chemicals on any part of any plant that produces blossoms you plan to eat and never harvest flowers growing by the roadside. Use flowers sparingly in your recipes. Most herb flowers have a taste that’s similar to the leaf, but spicier. When cooking with or serving edible flowers, clean them by washing them gently in a large bowl of cold water and letting them air dry on a paper towel. Use them immediately or store them in the refrigerator for up to a week in an airtight container lined with a damp paper towel. |
Plants for PotsGeranium, Varied Colors - 3 1/2" pot $4.00
Impatiens, Varied Colors - 3 1/2" pot $4.00 Marigold, Sparky Mix (French)* - 6 pack $5.00 Pansy, Majestic Giants II Formula* - 6 pack $5.00 Pansy, Matrix Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 For Your Cut Flower GardenYou are invited to purchase transplants of the same flowers that we plant for our cut flower crops.
Ageratum Timeless Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 Ammobium, Winged Everlasting - 6 pack $5.00 Aster Ball Florist Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 Aster Giant Ray Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Aster Nina Plus White - 6 pack $5.00 Aster Powder Puff Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Celosia Celway White - 6 pack $ 5.00 Celosia Chief Mix 6 - pack $5.00 Celosia Pampas Plume Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Celosia Sylphide - 6 pack $5.00 Cosmos Sensation Tall Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Cosmos Versailles Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Eucalyptus, Baby Blue - single plant $2.00 Eucalyptus, Silver Dollar* - 6 pack $8.00 Florist Blue Balloon Flower - 4 pack $4.00 Gomphrena Ping Pong Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 Gomphrena QIS Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 Gypsophila Baby's Breath- 6 pack $5.00 Gypsophila Gypsy White - 6 pack $5.00 Gypsophila Double Snowflake - 3 1/2" pot - $4.00 Helichrysum Monstrosum (Tall Strawflower) - 6 pack $5.00 Panorama Red Bee Balm 3 1/2" pot - $4.00 Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Rudbeckia Indian Summer* - 6 pack $5.00 Snapdragon Candy Tops Mix* - 6 pack $5.00 Snapdragon Chantilly Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Snapdragon Potomac Appleblossom - 6 pack $5.00 Snapdragon Potomac Early Sunrise - 6 pack $5.00 Snapdragon Rocket Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Statice Johnny's Formula Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Statice Johnny's Pastel Mix - 6 pack $5.00 Sweet Pea - Royal Family - 6 pack $5.00 Zinnia Benary's Gt Mix* - 4 pack $4.00 Zinnia California Giant* - 6 pack $5.00 Zinnia Queeny Lime Mix* - 4 pack $4.00 Zinnia Zowie! Yellow Flame - 6 pack $5.00 * Especially suited to containers and raised beds.
Please note that we are unable to ship plants.